Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter Cure: the best banana bread

Ah yes, there it is. That crisp pure white snow we've been waiting, or bracing, for finally arrived.

Our perfect little snow day entailed waking up, whipping up a quick banana bread recipe, throwing it in the oven for an hour, and scampering over to the park next door for snow play time.

r and cow

As we walked back home, soaking wet and red-nosed, we stepped foot inside our door to the knock-down smell of bananas baking. We stripped our snow gear and cuddled in warm dry snugly slippers before taking the bread beauty out of the oven for breakfast.



I added pistachios and a few chocolate chips in the bread to spice things up. And I can safely say this is my new go-to recipe for banana bread. Simple staple ingredients, little prep time, and an hour of baking yields perfection.
