The kicking, hiccuping jumping bean that was living in my belly for the past 9 months has arrived. And she is the most captivating, sweet, dear-hearted girl. She has been out in the world for 14 days now. They have been the most exhilarating, exhausting, wondrous 14 days of our lives. 14 days without any distinction between day and night, dreaming or reality, tears or laughter. All of a sudden, I am a mama. And all at once, I am completely clueless and perfectly suited to take care of her. This new life is still slowly falling into place for us, and has been bliss and blur. Rich and I are completely in love and in awe. We watch her breathe, sleep, smile, scowl, stretch and we are loving every moment and telling her to not grow too quickly.
Sleeping peacefully on my lap with arms stretched above her head as I write is Emerson Lark Kelly.
Emerson took her first breath at 4:29 p.m. on the 29th of April, weighing 7 pounds and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. Her birth was calm, surrounded by positivity and excitement.

I haven't been able to capture enough of her little mannerisms and features on camera because I've been too immersed in drinking her in with both of my eyes, but I did manage to snap a few photos of her amongst spring florals this week. A few of my favorites are after the jump...

awww she's beautiful. Congratulations!