Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Crop Top Dilemma + Olive Parachute Pants

American Apparel Crop Top, H&M Blazer, Parachute Pants, Cole Haan Purse Style Fashion
The crop top trend has forced me to address the question of whether I, as a 28 year old woman, should be showing my belly button. Clearly, you see what side of the argument I'm leaning towards. 

Growing up, I had the debilitating combo of self awareness and insecurity that many teenage girls do. I was the kid that sported turtle necks and made sure my shorts were appropriate by straightening my arms to my side and measuring. The idea of showing my abs made me sweat. You better believe when all of my 8th grade friends were running to Claire's to get belly button piercings, I was NOT participating in that movement. 

In adulthood, I've learned a lot about self love and being comfortable in my own skin. I no longer measure the appropriateness of my shorts (or the size of my waist). Although, I do still love me a good turtleneck (come on, those chunky knits are damn sexy). And as silly as it may seem, wearing a crop top, and being photographed in one, feels like a small personal win that symbolizes good and positive things.

*Oh, and let's just gawk for a moment over my parents' adorable newfie Lulu in the background of my first shot. That little nose = love.

Crop Top: AMERICAN APPAREL, Pants: AMERICAN EAGLE, Blazer: H&M, Sandals: STEVE MADDEN, Necklace + Earrings: H&M, Purse: COLE HAAN (a few seasons ago)

American Apparel Crop Top, H&M Blazer, Parachute Pants, Cole Haan Purse Style Fashion
American Apparel Crop Top, H&M Blazer, Parachute Pants, Cole Haan Purse Style FashionAmerican Apparel Crop Top, H&M Blazer, Parachute Pants, Cole Haan Purse Style Fashion
American Apparel Crop Top, H&M Blazer, Parachute Pants, Cole Haan Purse Style Fashion
American Apparel Crop Top, H&M Blazer, Parachute Pants, Cole Haan Purse Style Fashion
American Apparel Crop Top, H&M Blazer, Parachute Pants, Cole Haan Purse Style Fashion
American Apparel Crop Top, H&M Blazer, Parachute Pants, Cole Haan Purse Style Fashion

So what do you think? Do you sport the crop top belly button? Flashy or trashy?


  1. Such a cute outfit! Really loving the color combination.

  2. This is too funny-my friend and I were just discussing how long we can pull of crop tops and at what age it's not okay. You have given me hope that I can rock it for a few more years! Love it.
